The human element is repeatedly cited as a major cause of highway death and injury. Dunlap applies its human factors expertise to problem identification studies and the development of innovative and effective crash countermeasures. Our team members can either provide expert guidance on the development side, or conduct the necessary research to gather the information you need on an existing system to help you make informed decisions.
Evaluation should be an inherent part of any program. The Dunlap approach includes problem identification, objective setting, measure development, data collection, assessment of outcomes, and feedback for project improvement. Our evaluations are rigorous, independent, and fully supportive of improved program performance.
The excessive use of alcohol (and other drugs) has been implicated as a significant causal factor in accidents of all kinds. The Dunlap team has conducted significant landmark research on the effects of alcohol, evaluated devices for measuring alcohol levels, and assessed performance decreases. We are in the process of conducting some of the largest studies of how alcohol and other drugs impact human behavior in the transportation system. We can provide data-driven expertise as to how alcohol and drugs impact individuals in a variety of circumstances and domains.
Human factors is an important component of safe aerospace operations. Both ground and flight activities can benefit from the smooth integration of humans, equipment, and rules and regulations. The Dunlap team has been in the forefront in applying human factors principles to military and commercial aviation systems and to spaceflight.
Our team provides consulting services to school systems on the operation of school buses, development of safe routes for walking/bicycling, and for student drop-off/pick-up at the school. We can review existing operations and offer opinions on remedial actions that are needed, or assist with the development of new systems to provide the safest environment possible given the surrounding conditions.
We have had excellent success assisting plaintiffs and defendants during litigation. In addition, we welcome the chance to stop accidents before they happen. While accident avoidance cannot be guaranteed, we pride ourselves in finding potential safety problems and developing appropriate and cost-effective remedial solutions to them.
A project utilizing advanced data acquisition systems (ADAS) to collect a broad array of data types including multi-channel video, driver behavior, vehicle kinematics, GPS trace, and more for 120 participants. Machine learning/computer vision data processing techniques and manual coding techniques will be utilized to analyze the thousands of hours of video and sensor data collected. The ultimate objective is to determine how drivers use L2 systems during natural on-road driving, and the extent to which such systems affect safety behaviors.
A study of how Utah’s move to a .05% BAC per se law for alcohol impaired driving impacts safety in the State. The study includes a comprehensive evaluation of crashes, injuries, citations, arrests, alcohol sales, and a variety of other measures of interest.
A study on the prevalence of alcohol and other drugs among road users involved in fatal and serious injury crashes. The study is gathering blood samples from a minimum of 7,500 seriously injured drivers and other road users treated at five trauma centers, or victims dead at the scene transported directly to the morgue at those locations.
A retrospective study identifying factors that may have contributed to deaths and injuries sustained in ground ambulance crashes. Ground ambulance crash data from NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis databases and Special Crash Investigations reports will be analyzed. Findings will be presented in a summary report, presentation, infographic, and EMS journal article targeted toward standards development organizations and EMS organizations.
A project developing a best-practices guide on effective techniques for increasing seat belt use in rural areas. Researchers will identify innovative approaches and effective strategies developed and deployed in rural communities such as law enforcement activities, positive incentive programs, public-private partnerships, and youth-driven efforts. NHTSA will disseminate the guide to help state and local agency efforts to increase seat belt use in rural communities.
A study of driver knowledge and behaviors related illegal passing of school buses. The study will include a national survey of driver knowledge and opinions. The study will also explore the effectiveness of automated school bus passing camera systems designed to catch violators. At least two locales will have school buses outfitted with camera systems and the study will explore how driver behavior is impacted once the cameras are activated and in conjunction with high visibility enforcement/media about the cameras.